Ofgem Review
Ofgem was established almost a quarter of a century ago as the independent regulator for gas and electricity markets in Great Britain. At the time, a system of independent regulation was established to drive the move towards competition in gas and electricity supply and replicate the benefits of competition in the monopoly gas and electricity networks.In recent years the energy sector has faced huge challenges. Against this backdrop, it is more important than ever that consumers are protected and that they receive good customer service. Government wants to see an energy market that delivers better outcomes for consumers and a regulator that drives up consumer standards. To address these challenges the government will undertake a review of Ofgem, with the aim of revisiting the role of the regulator and how it delivers to ensure that it can regulate to support an energy market where innovation and high standards help drive better products and services for consumers.
Why your views matter
Without the views and experiences of all that partcipates in the energy market , it will be difficult to make Ofgem an effective regulator for the energy market of the future.
What happens next
Following the analysis of the responses there will be legislation to reform Ofgem in line with the responses
- SMEs (small and medium businesses)
- Large businesses (over 250 staff)
- Multinational businesses
- Trade bodies
- Medium business (50 to 250 staff)
- Micro business (up to 9 staff)
- Small business (10 to 49 staff)
- Oil and Gas
- Wind
- Nuclear
- Coal
- Wave and tidal
- Low carbon technologies
- Property
- Finance
- Energy assesor
- Landlord
- Consumer organisations
- Consumers
- Consumers
- Charities
- Charity or social enterprise
- Central government
- Individual
- Regulator
- Non-departmental public bodies
- Consumer rights
- Fuel poverty
- Oil and Gas
- Saving energy
- Security and resilience
- Distributed energy and heat
- Energy and climate change
- Energy efficiency
- Coal
- Fuel poverty
- Oil and gas
- Saving energy
- Security and resilience
- Distributed energy and heat
- International
- Nuclear
- Renewable energy
- Energy and climate change
- Energy efficiency
- Housing
- Electricity
- Climate change
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