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418 results

  • Integrating Greenhouse Gas Removals in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme

    The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) Authority (UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland, hereinafter ‘the Authority’) is seeking input on the integration of greenhouse gas removals (GGRs) in the UK ETS. This follows a commitment made in July 2023 to consult on proposals regarding the integration of engineered Greenhouse Gas Removals (GGRs) into the UK ETS and consideration... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Expanding the ETS to the energy from waste and waste incineration

    We have extended the consultation deadline by 2 weeks to allow for further engagement with stakeholders after the election. It will now close on 2 August 2024. The UK ETS Authority is seeking input on proposals for expanding the UK ETS to the waste sector. We have previously announced our intention to expand the scope of the UK ETS to waste incineration facilities. This consultation seeks views on our proposals to inform implementation details. In particular, it... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Core fuel sector resilience: provision of information at specified intervals

    The core fuel sector resilience measures in Part 12 of the Energy Act 2023 aim to ensure that government can identify fuel supply risks and support industry to maintain and improve fuel supply resilience. Section 276 of the Energy Act 2023 allows the Secretary of State to make regulations to require certain core fuel sector participants to provide information regarding their activities and assets at specified intervals to strengthen sector resilience. The information obtained from... More
    Opened 13 May 2024
  • Core fuel sector resilience measures: proposed guidance on criminal and civil sanctions

    The core fuel sector resilience measures in Part 12 of the Energy Act 2023 aim to ensure that government can: identify fuel supply risks support industry to maintain fuel supply resilience This proposed guidance is designed to improve compliance with the measures. It sets out: the statutory obligations the enforcement regime which core fuel sector participants may be subject to should an offence be committed the circumstances in which the Secretary of... More
    Opened 13 May 2024
  • Fusion Energy: National Policy Statement Scoping

    The purpose of this consultation is to begin the process towards designating a new Fusion Energy National Policy Statement, applicable to all commercial fusion facilities. This consultation focuses on the overall policy approach before a further formal consultation on the new draft Fusion Energy National Policy Statement. Read the consultation documents on GOV.UK . More
    Opened 8 May 2024
  • CCUS: non-pipeline transport and cross-border CO2 networks - call for evidence

    This call for evidence aims to gather information to improve government’s understanding of both non-pipeline transport (NPT) value chains and cross-border CO2 transport and storage networks, the costs associated with them, and the potential barriers to deployment. The call for evidence will look to gather views and evidence in 3 key areas: NPT value chain data CCUS policy landscape Wider deployment considerations More
    Opened 7 May 2024
  • Green Gas Support Scheme: annual tariff review 2024 – call for evidence

    This call for evidence will inform the Green Gas Support Scheme’s annual tariff review 2024. It's open from 29 April to 27 May 2024. We're seeking views on the outlook of the biomethane industry and whether costs and revenues for biomethane plants have changed over the past year. We invite responses from industry, investors, trade associations and other stakeholders. Your evidence will help to ensure that tariffs are set an appropriate level. More
    Opened 29 April 2024
  • Delivering a smart and secure electricity system: implementation

    The Smart Secure Electricity Systems ( SSES ) Programme is designed to create the technical and regulatory frameworks to enable the untapped flexibility from small scale devices, such as domestic electric vehicle charge points and heat pumps. It should contribute to electricity system decarbonisation in a way that protects consumers and the electricity system. The consultation is open to anyone to respond, but will primarily be of interest to: energy and technology companies ... More
    Opened 16 April 2024
  • Capacity Market: Rule Amendments to support Auction Liquidity

    This consultation seeks views on proposals designed to tackle potential risks which have been identified since the commencement of Capacity Market emissions verifications. This is to ensure auction liquidity is not needlessly adversely affected by the verification process. The consultation includes a proposal to introduce a conditional deadline extension for CM applicants which are required to submit a verified emissions declaration at prequalification, as well as other... More
    Opened 8 April 2024
  • Transition Finance Market Review: call for evidence

    In the Green Finance Strategy 2023 the UK Government announced it would establish a market-led review to explore how the UK can become the best place in the world to raise capital, invest and obtain financial services to facilitate a transition to a net zero future. The Transition Finance Market Review (the Review) was launched in January 2024 and will report to the UK government in Summer 2024. This Call for Evidence is an important step in our work program and the information you... More
    Opened 14 March 2024
  • Amendments to Electricity Supplier Obligation Regulations to implement the Power CCUS Dispatchable Power Agreement business model

    We're seeking views on the proposed amendments to The Contracts for Difference (Electricity Supplier Obligations) Regulations 2014. The amendments will enable the electricity supplier obligation levy to be charged for payments under the Dispatchable Power Agreement (DPA), that will support deployment of power carbon capture, usage and storage (power CCUS). Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . Please note: We have reopened this consultation for an... More
    Opened 12 March 2024
  • Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) – Second Consultation 

    This consultation seeks views on a narrowed range of options to deliver an enduring electricity market framework that will work for businesses, industry, and households. The consultation document is accompanied by technical research reports. Please read the consultation document on GOV.UK. We welcome views from a range of stakeholders including: energy industry non-governmental organisations ( NGOs ) consumer groups academics policy think tanks ... More
    Opened 12 March 2024
  • Energy code reform: code manager licensing and secondary legislation

    Following the Energy Act 2023 receiving Royal Assent in October 2023, we are developing the secondary legislation and regulatory framework for code managers, which will allow Ofgem to implement a reformed industry code framework and drive strategic changes across the codes in the interest of consumers and competition. In this consultation we set out our initial proposals for code manager standard licence conditions and selection processes. Updated 24 April 2024 We have corrected... More
    Opened 11 March 2024
  • Call for Evidence: Future Policy Framework for Biomethane Production

    Please refer to Annex B in the Call for Evidence for guidance on how to respond to questions Respondents are not required to answer all questions. For questions you do not wish to respond to, please state “No response”. Read the Call for Evidence document on GOV.UK . More
    Opened 29 February 2024
  • Green Industries Growth Accelerator: Hydrogen and CCUS supply chains call for evidence

    The Green Industries Growth Accelerator (GIGA) is a £960 million fund to support the expansion of strong and sustainable clean energy supply chains across the UK, including: carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen; offshore wind and electricity networks; and civil nuclear. This is part of a wider £4.5 billion package of funding for manufacturing to support private sector investment in strategic sectors across the UK. GIGA will focus on supporting jobs and investment by... More
    Opened 27 February 2024
  • Default tariffs: A call for evidence

    This call for evidence seeks views on the how Default Tariffs can support households in the future. It seeks views on design principles for future default tariffs, the types of default tariffs, and alternative future protections. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . More
    Opened 23 February 2024
  • Transitional support mechanism for large-scale biomass electricity generators

    The government is considering whether a transitional support mechanism is required to facilitate the move from large scale biomass generation to power bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS). This would apply in certain circumstances where there is an interim period between the relevant generators’ existing support ending and potential future power BECCS arrangements beginning. We are consulting to inform our assessment of whether a transitional support arrangement is... More
    Opened 18 January 2024
  • Empowering drivers and boosting competition in the road fuel retail market

    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) undertook a year-long market study into the road fuel sector. It concluded by recommending to the government to create a statutory open data scheme for fuel prices and an ongoing road fuels price monitoring function. We are consulting to understand views on the best way to design and implement the open data scheme and elements of the monitoring function that are not outlined in the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill, and... More
    Opened 16 January 2024
  • A National Policy Statement for new nuclear power generation - Consultation on the new approach to siting beyond 2025

    The purpose of this consultation is to begin the process towards designating a new Nuclear National Policy Statement, applicable to nuclear power stations expected to deploy beyond 2025. Some material updates to the existing policy for siting nuclear power stations have been proposed and the government wishes to gather views on these changes ahead of finalising the policy. This consultation focuses on the overall policy approach before a further formal consultation on the new draft... More
    Opened 11 January 2024
  • Proposed amendments to Contracts for Difference for Allocation Round 7 and future rounds

    We're seeking views on potential amendments to Allocation Round 7 and future rounds of the Contracts for Difference scheme, which supports renewable electricity generators. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . More
    Opened 11 January 2024
  • Alternative Routes to Market for New Nuclear Projects

    This consultation seeks to examine what steps government can take to enable different routes to market for new advanced nuclear technologies. Government sees great national opportunities in the nuclear sector, and we are seeking responses to support us in developing the policies that will allow this industry to thrive. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . The consultation process: introductory event We are holding an introductory event about this consultation,... More
    Opened 11 January 2024
  • Long Duration Electricity Storage

    Long duration storage (LDES) is a key enabler to a secure, cost-effective and low carbon energy system. LDES can help to decarbonise the system by storing excess renewable generation over longer periods of time (days, weeks, and months), replacing flexibility from fossil fuelled generation and helping to alleviate constraints on the grid. In the Government response to the Call for Evidence, published in August 2022, we concluded that LDES technologies have an important role to... More
    Opened 9 January 2024
  • Non road mobile machinery decarbonisation options: call for evidence

    Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) broadly refers to any mobile machine, transportable equipment or vehicle not intended for the transport of goods or passengers on the road, and which has a combustion engine. Examples include construction machinery and agricultural machinery. We’re seeking evidence on areas including: how NRMM is currently used across the economy the decarbonisation options available to NRMM, including efficiency measures, process changes, and fuel... More
    Opened 21 December 2023
  • Contracts for Difference: Drafting Amendments to the CfD Contract for Allocation Round 6

    This consultation seeks views on proposed drafting changes to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Standard Terms and Conditions and Private Network Agreement in advance of Allocation Round 6 (AR6), which is scheduled to open in March 2024. The proposed changes will: streamline the Know Your Customer (KYC) checks in order to ensure that generators provide relevant KYC information to the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) when required, along with stronger enforcement... More
    Opened 19 December 2023
  • Heat Network Zoning Consultation 2023

    This consultation seeks views on proposals for design and delivery of heat network zoning in England, which is enabled by powers provided by the Energy Act 2023. Responses to this consultation will help inform secondary legislation (“the zoning regulations”), which we intend to lay in Parliament in 2024 or when parliamentary time allows. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . More
    Opened 18 December 2023
  • UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Future Markets Policy

    The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) Authority (UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland) is seeking input on a number of proposals to develop future markets policy. The Authority is reviewing ETS markets policy to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and is effective in managing the risks faced by an established and maturing scheme. This will help to maintain stable and... More
    Opened 18 December 2023
  • UK ETS Free Allocation Review

    The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) Authority (UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland, hereinafter ‘the Authority’) is seeking input on a number of proposals to improve our approach to free allocations. We have committed to better target free allocations for sectors most at risk of carbon leakage ahead of the next allocation period in 2026, and to tailor this to the UK... More
    Opened 18 December 2023
  • Hydrogen to Power: Consultation on the Need, and Design, for a Hydrogen to Power Market Intervention

    This consultation seeks views on government’s minded-to position that market intervention could be required to mitigate deployment barriers identified through our external analysis to accelerate deployment of hydrogen to power (H2P) and support our commitment for a decarbonised and secure power system. We outline potential market intervention design options including our minded-to position that should a decision be made to intervene following consultation, a hydrogen to... More
    Opened 14 December 2023
  • Second Hydrogen Allocation Round (HAR2): Expression of Interest

    To be able to make an application to the Second Hydrogen Allocation Round (HAR2), the Project Representative must submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) to DESNZ on behalf of their Project by 23:59 on 5 th February 2024. Submitting an EoI by this date will allow projects access to the Online Application Form and the final engagement session. Submission of this Expression of Interest form is a necessary condition to participate in the process. Projects should use this... More
    Opened 14 December 2023
  • Home Energy Model: Future Homes Standard assessment

    The Home Energy Model: Future Homes Standard assessment is the methodology which will be used to demonstrate that new dwellings comply with the Future Homes Standard. It will replace the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) version 10.2 for the energy rating of dwellings. The Home Energy Model: Future Homes Standard assessment is still under development, and we will implement it alongside the Future Homes Standard in 2025. This consultation will be of interest across the... More
    Opened 13 December 2023
418 results. Page 1 of 14