What should working days during shared parental leave be called?

Closed 10 Apr 2014

Opened 3 Apr 2014

Results updated 12 May 2014

Jo Swinson, the Minister for Employment Relations and Consumer Affairs, who is on maternity leave and Jenny Willott who is covering her position both agreed that the days will be called 'Shared Parental Leave In Touch Days ('SPLIT' Days)' as it was the clear winner.



While parents are on shared parental leave they will get up to 20 days each when they can go into work without bringing to an end their leave or losing their statutory shared parental pay for the week. These days will enable parents to take shared parental leave on a part time basis for a time, such as for a phased return to full time work after a period of shared parental leave.

These days will be similar to the existing 'keeping in touch' (KIT) days that women on maternity leave get. However, we want to call the days for parents sharing parental leave something different to distinguish them from KIT days.

Parents with baby


  • Consumers
  • Trade union or staff association
  • HR professionals
  • HR organisations
  • Parents


  • Shared parental leave
  • Flexible working