Extending the UK Emissions Trading Scheme cap beyond 2030
The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Authority is seeking input on proposals for extending the UK ETS beyond the end of Phase I at midnight on 31 December 2030. This fulfils the commitment made in December 2023 within the UK Emissions Trading Scheme long-term pathway to consult on the extension of the Scheme. This consultation proposes options and seeks views on:
- Extending the UK ETS into a second phase from 1 January 2031 onward.
- The length of a post-2030 Phase II.
- Whether to allow banking of emissions allowances (UKAs) between Phase I and a post-2030 Phase II of the Scheme.
The consultation is aimed at interested stakeholders including ETS participants, wider industry, academia and NGOs.
Read the consultation document on GOV.UK.
Give us your views
- SMEs (small and medium businesses)
- Large businesses (over 250 staff)
- Trade bodies
- Medium business (50 to 250 staff)
- Oil and Gas
- Coal
- Low carbon technologies
- Construction
- Universities
- Science Policy organisations and thinktanks
- Learned Societies
- Researchers
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- Thinktanks
- Freelance researchers
- General public
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- Non-Government Organisations
- Civil Society Organisations
- Economic growth
- Innovation
- Industrial strategy
- Coal
- Oil and Gas
- Security and resilience
- Energy and climate change
- Business investment
- Carbon budgets
- Carbon offsetting
- Emissions
- Carbon capture and storage
- Carbon markets
- Carbon neutrality
- Climate change
- Regulation
- Investment
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