Capacity Market: Proposals to maintain security of supply and enable flexible capacity to decarbonise

Closes 10 Dec 2024

Opened 15 Oct 2024


We are publishing a consultation and Call for Evidence, seeking views on proposed changes to the Capacity Market (CM) to maintain the security of our electricity supply and to enable unabated gas plants to decarbonise. 

The following questions cover both the consultation and the Call for Evidence, please submit your responses using the relevant sections. We encourage respondents to consider both when responding.

Give us your views


  • Oil and Gas
  • Wind
  • Nuclear
  • Coal
  • Wave and tidal
  • Low carbon technologies
  • Universities
  • Thinktanks


  • Oil and gas
  • Security and resilience
  • Renewable energy
  • Energy and climate change
  • Electricity
  • Emissions
  • Carbon capture and storage