Capacity Market: Proposals to maintain security of supply and enable flexible capacity to decarbonise

Closes 10 Dec 2024

Consultation: Providing clear and viable routes to decarbonisation

Please refer to Chapter 6 of the consultation document

13. Please indicate whether you would consider using pathway A and provide details to support your answer.
14. Do you agree with the managed exit process timings for Pathway A, as set out in Figure 1?
15. Do you agree with the proposed eligibility criteria set out in Table 1? Do you see any barriers to providing evidence of being party to a DPA at the required time? Please provide details to support your answer, including sharing your views on the nature of the evidence we suggest providing.
16. Can you identify any unforeseen consequences in the CM that could arise from a managed exit via Pathway A?
17. If you were a multi-year agreement holder for an unabated gas CMU that you planned to convert to power CCUS, how would you prefer to manage the outages associated with the conversion process? Please provide details of your answer with reference to the options stated in the proposed generation outage management section and any supporting information, including the conversion type, capacity size, and generation outage period.
18. Are there any additional barriers, whether under the CM or not, which would prevent you from using Pathway A?
19. What are your views on whether a decision to refuse a notice of intent to use a managed exit should be a Delivery Body reviewable decision under Regulation 68 of the Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014?
20. What wider changes to the CM and other policy would you expect to be needed to enable unabated gas CMUs to decarbonise?