Building the North Sea’s Energy Future
We are seeking views on delivering the government’s commitment to support a prosperous and managed North Sea transition.
Give us your views
- SMEs (small and medium businesses)
- Large businesses (over 250 staff)
- Multinational businesses
- Trade bodies
- Medium business (50 to 250 staff)
- Micro business (up to 9 staff)
- Small business (10 to 49 staff)
- Oil and Gas
- Wind
- Nuclear
- Coal
- Wave and tidal
- Low carbon technologies
- Construction
- Investment
- Manufacturing
- Technology (R&D)
- Finance
- Consumer organisations
- Consumers
- Trade union or staff association
- Businesses
- Individual employees
- Universities
- University staff
- HE policy organisations
- Economic growth
- Science and society
- Science (STEM) skills
- Innovation
- Industrial strategy
- Oil and Gas
- Security and resilience
- Renewable energy
- Energy and climate change
- Oil and gas
- Security and resilience
- Renewable energy
- Energy and climate change
- Carbon capture and storage
- Growth
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