Raising product standards for space heating

Closes 25 Mar 2025

Part 2: Reducing fossil fuel demand

In Part 2 we are consulting on the regulatory implementation of the following measures:

  • all gas combination boilers (≤45kW) to be able to modulate their maximum output down to 15% without on/off cycling by mid-2028
  • all larger domestic-scale combination boilers (45≥32kW) to be able to modulate their maximum output down to 10% without on/off cycling by mid-2028
  • all combination boilers to be supplied with a 60 degrees Celsius (°C) low flow temperature factory default setting by mid-2026
  • raising GB requirement so that temperature control Classes I-III are no longer sufficient by mid-2026
  • introduce the definition of open protocols into the regulations
  • all temperature controls and gas combination, system and regular boilers to use open protocols by mid-2026
  • boilers and temperature controls must, when placed on the market, be accompanied by information about which open protocols they can use
  • introduce temperature control Classes I-VIII definitions into the regulations
  • all temperature controls and oil combination boilers to use open protocols by mid-2028
36. Do you agree that all new gas combination boilers (≤45kW) placed on the GB market should be able to modulate their maximum output down to 15% without on/off cycling by mid-2028?
37. Do you agree that the Government should consider introducing an extension for the modulation requirements such that larger domestic-scale gas combination boilers (45≥32kW) placed on the GB market should be able to modulate their maximum output down to 10% without on/off cycling?
If you support an increased modulation requirement for larger domestic-scale combination boilers, please suggest a date for when this should come into force.



38. Do you agree that all combination oil boilers (≤45kW) should be capable of modulating their heat output down to 30% of their maximum heat output without on/off cycling, by mid-2028?
39. Do you agree that all combination boilers be supplied with a 60 degrees Celsius (°C) low flow temperature factory default setting by early 2026?
40. Do you agree with raising GB requirements so that control Classes I-III are no longer sufficient by mid-2026?
41. Please present your views on any potential impacts on heat networks associated with preventing temperature control Classes I-III from the GB market by mid-2026.
42. Do you agree with the definitions of temperature control classes IV-VIII set out in the draft SI?
43. Do you agree with the definition of open protocols?
44. Do you agree all gas combination boilers placed on the market should use open protocols by mid-2026?
45. Do you agree oil combination boilers placed on the market should use open protocols by mid-2028?
46. Do you agree that an open protocols requirement can be extended to system and regular boilers?
If yes, provide a date from when this should be introduced.



47. Do you agree temperature controls placed on the market must use open protocols by mid-2026?
48. Do you agree with the proposed requirement that boilers and temperature controls must, when placed on the market, be accompanied by information about which open protocols they can use?
49. Please present your arguments for why some closed protocols should remain on the GB market whilst still requiring all combination boilers to use open protocols by mid-2026.