Raising product standards for space heating
Part 2: Reducing fossil fuel demand
In Part 2 we are consulting on the regulatory implementation of the following measures:
- all gas combination boilers (≤45kW) to be able to modulate their maximum output down to 15% without on/off cycling by mid-2028
- all larger domestic-scale combination boilers (45≥32kW) to be able to modulate their maximum output down to 10% without on/off cycling by mid-2028
- all combination boilers to be supplied with a 60 degrees Celsius (°C) low flow temperature factory default setting by mid-2026
- raising GB requirement so that temperature control Classes I-III are no longer sufficient by mid-2026
- introduce the definition of open protocols into the regulations
- all temperature controls and gas combination, system and regular boilers to use open protocols by mid-2026
- boilers and temperature controls must, when placed on the market, be accompanied by information about which open protocols they can use
- introduce temperature control Classes I-VIII definitions into the regulations
- all temperature controls and oil combination boilers to use open protocols by mid-2028