Reforming The Employment Tribunal System
The Government seeks views on the issues to be considered when implementing the wider justice system reform principles in the Employment Tribunal system. Views from all users of the system are particularly welcome, and responses from representatives and advisors of individuals and business, the legal profession, non-legal members and the judiciary are particularly encouraged.
Why your views matter
This is a joint consultation by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Ministry of Justice.
It sets out where specific changes to primary legislation are needed to make sure that the planned reforms can be successfully and appropriately implemented in Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal. It seeks views on what factors should be considered when amending this legislation and in taking work forward to reform the Employment Tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal.
We would welcome your views on the issues to be considered when implementing the wider justice system reform principles in the Employment Tribunal system in a way which enables the positive benefits that change will bring, but does not lose the strengths of the current Employment Tribunal system.
- SMEs (small and medium businesses)
- Large businesses (over 250 staff)
- Multinational businesses
- Business journalists
- Trade bodies
- Legal representative
- Medium business (50 to 250 staff)
- Micro business (up to 9 staff)
- Small business (10 to 49 staff)
- Oil and Gas
- Wind
- Nuclear
- Coal
- Wave and tidal
- Low carbon technologies
- Construction
- Investment
- Manufacturing
- Retail
- Technology (R&D)
- Property
- Finance
- Installer
- Energy assesor
- Landlord
- Consumer organisations
- Consumer law specialists
- Consumers
- Trade union or staff association
- Employment lawyers
- Employment advisers
- Businesses
- Individual employees
- HR professionals
- HR organisations
- Further Education Colleges
- Further Education students
- FE press
- FE policy organisations
- Training Organisation
- Further Education sector representative body
- Universities
- Students
- University staff
- HE policy organisations
- HE journalists
- Learned societies
- University associations
- Scientists
- Higher Education institutions
- HE representative bodies
- Universities
- Research Councils
- Research Funders
- Science Policy organisations and thinktanks
- Learned Societies
- National Academies
- University associations
- Science journalists
- Researchers
- HE Journalists and press
- Innovation community
- Thinktanks
- Freelance researchers
- Parents
- Students
- Consumers
- General public
- Black and ethnic minority groups
- LGBT groups
- Older people
- Younger people
- Disability groups
- Charities
- Local government
- Charity or social enterprise
- Central government
- Individual
- Regulator
- Non-departmental public bodies
- The Devolved Administrations
- Charities and Third Sector organisations
- Non-Government Organisations
- Tied pub tenants
- Tied pub-owning businesses
- Trade associations: pubs
- Biotechnology companies
- Bioscience
- Apprenticeships
- Economic growth
- Starting a business
- Consumer rights
- Workplace rights
- Shared parental leave
- Flexible working
- Science funding
- Science and society
- Science (STEM) skills
- Innovation
- Research
- Regulation and red tape
- Industrial strategy
- Student Loans
- Further Education loans
- Further Education
- R&D
- Coal
- Fuel poverty
- Oil and Gas
- Saving energy
- Security and resilience
- Distributed energy and heat
- International
- Nuclear
- Renewable energy
- Energy and climate change
- Energy efficiency
- Housing
- Electricity
- National Minimum Wage
- Business investment
- Pubs
- Pub companies
- Pubs Code of Practice
- Pubs Code Adjudicator
- Higher Education
- University
- Higher Apprenticeship
- Access to Higher Education
- Student loans
- Evaluation
- Coal
- Fuel poverty
- Oil and gas
- Saving energy
- Security and resilience
- Distributed energy and heat
- International
- Nuclear
- Renewable energy
- Energy and climate change
- Energy efficiency
- Housing
- Electricity
- Carbon budgets
- Carbon offsetting
- Emissions
- Carbon capture and storage
- Carbon markets
- Carbon neutrality
- Climate change
- Taxation
- Productivity
- Effectiveness
- Regulation
- Growth
- Competitiveness
- Investment
- Simplification
- Efficiency
- Stability
- Bioeconomy
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