430 results
Revised requirements for radiological protection: emergency preparedness and response
We're consulting on how to transpose the emergency preparedness elements of the Basic Safety Standards Directive 2013 (BSSD 2013). This consultation is relevant to those working with radiological material, in particular where an emergency as a result of that work might have an impact on the public . Emergency planners working in local authorities will also have an interest in the topics on which we are consulting. This is a joint consultation between BEIS, HSE and... MoreClosed 15 November 2017 -
Call for evidence on the reform of the Green Deal Framework
This call for evidence is to improve our knowledge of stakeholders’ views on the Green Deal Framework, and whether there is scope for changing the Framework so that it can better support current and future needs. We are seeking views on the Framework as a whole, all the elements within it and on factors that may warrant changes to it. The Government will ensure throughout that the interests of consumers are foremost. How to respond You can respond using the online survey (see... MoreClosed 23 November 2017 -
Bringing forward EU Emissions Trading System 2018 Compliance Deadlines in the UK
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on a proposal to bring forward the reporting and surrender compliance deadlines for UK regulated EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) participants for the 2018 compliance year to before 29 March 2019. Following the consultation the UK Government proposes to enact this into law by amending the 2012 Greenhouse Gas Regulations, so that they have effect from 1 January 2018. The context and reasons for these changes, as well as a draft of... MoreClosed 24 November 2017 -
Leading by Example: Cutting energy bills and carbon emissions in the wider public and higher education sectors. A Call for Evidence
We are interested in evidence and views about the action required to realise carbon and energy savings across the wider public and higher education sectors in England over the next 10 years. We particularly welcome your comments on the introduction of a voluntary emissions target for the wider public and higher education sector estates in England. This would exclude central government departments and their agencies which already have their own targets. Please note that the email address... MoreClosed 7 December 2017 -
Downstream oil supply resilience
BEIS is consulting on possible new measures which aim to maintain the security of fuel supply to consumers. The proposed measures would apply to companies operating in the downstream oil sector and form part of a wider package of proposed reforms to Government’s approach to the protection of critical infrastructure. These proposals are consistent with the Department’s objective of ensuring that the UK has secure and reliable energy supplies and our ongoing work with the sector on... MoreClosed 12 December 2017 -
Industrial Heat Recovery Support Programme
Government plans to introduce a support programme to increase industry confidence in identifying and investing in opportunities for recovering and reusing waste heat from industrial processes and increase the deployment of recoverable heat technologies in industry. This will allow industry to re-use heat on-site or sell it to a third party, leading to the more efficient and productive use of energy, lower fuel bills or a new revenue stream for industry, and a reduction in carbon emissions.... MoreClosed 4 January 2018 -
Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
We're seeking views on the UK government’s proposals for a streamlined and more effective energy and carbon reporting framework. Reporting is proposed to be done within companies’ annual reports, which shareholders can request, and are filed with and made available by Companies House. It is proposed to apply to certain UK companies formed and registered under the Companies Act 2006, and potentially Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). It proposes applying either energy use, or... MoreClosed 4 January 2018 -
Aviation EU Emissions Trading System
This consultation will cover UK implementation of the agreed amendments to the Aviation EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The amendments to be implemented are: To extend the existing Intra-European Economic Area (EEA) scope for the Aviation EU ETS until 31 December 2023; To introduce simplified procedures for operators emitting less than 3,000 tonnes of CO 2 per annum on intra-EEA flights; and To extend the exemption for non-commercial operators emitting less than... MoreClosed 5 January 2018 -
National Security and Infrastructure Investment Review
We're seeking views on how the Government can best ensure that investments and takeovers do not raise national security concerns. The UK follows an economic model that thrives on openness to trade. This has served the country well over the years. However, such a model can only be effective if it comes with safeguards, particularly Government’s duty to safeguard national security. The Government’s National Security and Infrastructure Investment review seeks views on how best... MoreClosed 9 January 2018 -
Building a market for energy efficiency: Call for Evidence
This Call for Evidence outlines a range of barriers to investment in energy efficiency on both the demand and supply side; invites views about the role of Government in overcoming those barriers and stimulating the market through more direct interventions; and considers a range of potential solutions, many of which have been advocated by businesses and industry representatives. The list is not exhaustive and inclusion or exclusion should not be taken as an indication of Government policy.... MoreClosed 9 January 2018 -
A consultation to support a Post Implementation Review of the 2011 Changes to Part 2 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
As part of its commitment to better regulation, the Government said it will undertake a non-statutory post implementation review of the 2011 changes to the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 (the “Construction Act”). To help inform that review, this consultation seeks information to help establish how effective those changes have been in securing their objectives. The consultation also asks some more general questions on the existing construction payment and... MoreClosed 19 January 2018 -
A consultation on the practice of cash retention under construction contracts
The purpose of this consultation is to seek information on the practice of cash retention under construction contracts and gather views on the findings of the supporting documentation. The consultation is relevant to any party to a commercial construction contract as defined by the construction contracts legislation. It is also relevant to adjudicators, arbitrators and lawyers. While this consultation concerns construction specific legislation it may also be relevant for those with an... MoreClosed 19 January 2018 -
Consultation on the Offshore Environmental Civil Sanctions Regulations 2018
This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views on proposals to introduce powers, via The Offshore Environmental Civil Sanctions Regulations 2018, to enable BEIS’s Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment & Decommissioning (OPRED) to impose civil sanctions in respect of breaches of some existing offshore oil and gas environmental regulations. MoreClosed 15 February 2018 -
Data sharing regulations for a safeguard energy tariff
We’re looking for views on adding a safeguard energy tariff imposed by Ofgem (the regulator) for vulnerable consumers on standard variable and fixed-term default tariffs to the list of fuel poverty measures for which public authorities can share data with gas and electricity suppliers for the purpose of assisting households in fuel poverty. Part 5 of the Digital Economy Act 2017 gives government powers to share personal information across organisational boundaries to improve... MoreClosed 26 February 2018 -
Domestic private rented sector minimum level of energy efficiency
This consultation seeks views on the Government’s proposal to amend the domestic Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency Regulations to introduce a capped landlord financial contribution element. This proposal is designed to future-proof the regulations and make them as effective as possible, while protecting landlords against excessive cost burdens. With a cost-cap, domestic landlords would only need to see investment in improvements to an EPC F or G rated property up to the value of that... MoreClosed 13 March 2018 -
NPS for Nuclear Power Above 1GW Single Reactor Capacity Beyond 2025: Siting Criteria & Process
Government continues to believe that new nuclear power has an important role to play in the UK’s future energy mix, alongside other low-carbon energy sources. National Policy Statements (NPS) establish the case for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, as defined in the Planning Act 2008. T he current nuclear National Policy Statement (EN-6) provides the framework for development consent decisions on applications for new nuclear power stations expected to deploy by the... MoreClosed 15 March 2018 -
Offshore Renewables Decommissioning guidance for industry: proposed updates
The date for responses has been extended to 16 March to ensure we capture as many views on the draft Guidance Notes as possible in determining the final version of the document. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is seeking views on a series of proposed updates to its Guidance for industry on decommissioning of offshore renewable energy installations under the Energy Act 2004. This consultation applies to England and Wales, however we welcome... MoreClosed 16 March 2018 -
BEIS Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker Review
The quarterly BEIS Public Attitudes Tracker provides a valuable source of evidence for the department in its development of energy policy. It originated in DECC in 2012, and to date there have been 24 waves of data collection. However with the creation of BEIS, the department’s priorities are now broader and include other policy areas where data on public attitudes would benefit policy formation, so we are considering whether to extend the survey to cover this wider range. The... MoreClosed 18 March 2018 -
Working with Communities - Implementing Geological Disposal
Government policy is to permanently dispose of our higher activity radioactive waste through geological disposal. Geological disposal involves placing radioactive waste in an engineered facility deep underground, keeping it away from people and the environment. It is acknowledged across the world as the best available option for dealing with radioactive waste on a long-term basis. It is a responsible public service to our future society. This consultation is seeking views on how... MoreClosed 19 April 2018 -
National Policy Statement For Geological Disposal Infrastructure - Implementing Geological Disposal
Government policy is to permanently dispose of our higher activity radioactive waste through geological disposal. Geological disposal involves placing radioactive waste in an engineered facility deep underground, keeping it away from people and the environment. It is acknowledged across the world as the best available option for dealing with radioactive waste on a long-term basis, one that does not require active waste management by future generations. It is a responsible public service... MoreClosed 19 April 2018 -
Warm Home Discount Scheme 2018/19
This consultation proposes a number of changes to the Warm Home Discount Scheme for winter 2018 to 2019. Under these proposals the scheme would continue to provide direct energy bill rebate of £140 to over 2 million low income and vulnerable households. We are also proposing issuing regulations which would cover the scheme until 2020 to 2021. This would not prevent a reform of the scheme eligibility in future years. The consultation is aimed at all those with an interest in... MoreClosed 29 April 2018 -
Energy Company Obligation: ECO3, 2018-2022
We’re seeking views on the future design of the Energy Company Obligation ( ECO ) scheme, a programme that delivers energy efficiency measures to low income and vulnerable households across Great Britain. This includes: the scheme moving to a 100% Affordable Warmth scheme for fuel poor, low income and vulnerable households the energy efficiency and heating measures that can be delivered under the scheme the proportion of the scheme that can be delivered under... MoreClosed 29 April 2018 -
Good Work: the Taylor Review of Modern Employment Practices- Consultation on Agency Workers Recommendations
This consultation seeks views on recommendations made in the Review of Modern Working Practices published on 11/7/2017. Specifically, it looks at how to increase transparency of contractual arrangements for agency workers, how Umbrella Companies or intermediaries could be brought within the scope of the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate (EAS), and gather evidence on the level of abuse of the ‘Swedish Derogation’ with consideration of whether EAS’ remit should be extended to... MoreClosed 9 May 2018 -
Good Work: the Taylor Review of Modern Employment Practices - Consultation on enforcement of employment rights recommendations
The government seeks views on the recommendations in the Review of Modern Working Practices on the enforcement of employment rights. This consultation: Sets out the government’s intention to enforce a wider range of basic employment rights on behalf of vulnerable workers. We’re seeking evidence on the extent of the problem faced by low paid workers in accessing sick pay and holiday pay to help target these enforcement efforts; Sets out the government’s plans to... MoreClosed 16 May 2018 -
Good work: the Taylor review of modern employment practices - Consultation on measures to increase transparency in the UK labour market
In July 2017, The Review of Modern Working Practices was published, which included 53 recommendations. The review considered a range of issues, including the implications of new forms of work, the rise of digital platforms and the impact of new working models on employee and worker rights, responsibilities, freedoms and obligations. The review noted that the UK labour-market is characterised by flexibility, meaning that individuals and businesses are free to agree terms and conditions... MoreClosed 23 May 2018 -
Employment Status Consultation
This consultation seeks views on whether the options proposed in the Taylor review could achieve more certainty and clarity for businesses when determining employment status, particularly in relation to the realities of the modern labour market. We are also seeking to understand the potential impacts and implications of those proposals. In addition, this consultation considers whether there are alternative approaches that could better achieve these aims. For tax, this consultation considers... MoreClosed 1 June 2018 -
Proposals regarding setting standards for smart appliances
The Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan , published July 2017, stated that we would consult on setting standards for smart appliances, based on the principles of interoperability, data protection, grid- and cyber-security. This consultation sets out our proposals regarding smart appliance policy. The government considers that smart appliances need to be regulated in order to maximise the opportunities for consumers of demand-side response in homes and businesses, while ensuring any... MoreClosed 8 June 2018 -
Consultation on parental bereavement leave and pay
We're seeking views on options for regulations to fulfil certain provisions contained in the Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill which is currently being considered in Parliament. We're consulting on key issues which will help to shape the policy on Parental Bereavement Leave and Pay, to ensure that the policy is right both for those who seek to rely on it and those who have to administer it. It focuses on: * the definition of a bereaved parent * how and when to take... MoreClosed 8 June 2018 -
Insolvency and corporate governance
This consultation puts forward a number of measures to improve corporate governance in firms that are in or approaching insolvency. It also seeks views on some other aspects of the wider corporate governance framework and whether these are working as they should. MoreClosed 11 June 2018 -
A future framework for heat in buildings: call for evidence
The Clean Growth Strategy presented major policies and plans that will cut the cost of energy, drive economic growth, create high value jobs right across the UK, and improve our quality of life. This call for evidence reaffirms that ambition by building on the commitment to phase out installation of high carbon fossil fuel heating in new and existing buildings off the gas grid, during the 2020s. This document explains what we mean by this ambition, and seeks evidence on how we could... MoreClosed 11 June 2018
430 results.
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