432 results
Consultation on a Regulated Asset Base (RAB) Model for Nuclear
In his statement to Parliament in June 2018, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Greg Clarke said that the Government would review the viability of a ‘Regulated Asset Base’ (RAB) model for new nuclear projects and committed in January 2019 to publishing an assessment of this model by the summer. Our assessment, as part of this consultation, has concluded that, by providing regulated returns to investors, a RAB model has the potential to... MoreOpened 22 July 2019 -
Facilitating energy efficiency in the electricity system: call for evidence
We are seeking views on market barriers to energy efficiency in the UK, and how we can create new markets for energy efficiency, securing its role in the wider energy market, contributing to flexibility and becoming a reliable alternative to increased generation and network reinforcement. MoreOpened 22 July 2019 -
Good Work Plan: one-sided flexibility - addressing unfair flexible working practices
We are seeking views on the proposals made by the Low Pay Commission, to address the issue of ‘one-sided flexibility’. The proposals made by the Low Pay Commission were published on 17 December 2018 to address the issue of ‘one-sided flexibility’. This issue exists within some parts of the labour market, where employers misuse flexible working arrangements, creating an unpredictability in working hours, income insecurity and a reluctance among workers to assert basic... MoreOpened 19 July 2019 -
Good Work Plan: Proposals to support families
This consultation covers: Parental leave and pay Neonatal leave and pay Transparency of flexible working and family related leave and pay policies Select the sections you want to answer from the links here. You can respond to as many of the sections and questions as you want. You need to submit your responses to one section before starting a new response to the next, and you will need to enter your personal details for each section. MoreOpened 19 July 2019 -
Statutory audit services: initial consultation on the CMA recommendations
Following its review of the statutory audit market, the Competition and Markets Authority ( CMA ) published its final report on 18 April 2019. This consultation seeks views on the CMA ’s recommendations to improve audit quality, competition and resilience in the statutory audit services market. MoreOpened 18 July 2019 -
Good work plan: establishing a new single enforcement body for employment rights
This consultation seeks views on whether establishing a new single enforcement body for employment rights could: improve enforcement for vulnerable workers create a level playing field for the majority of businesses who are complying with the law MoreOpened 16 July 2019 -
Energy Company Obligation: ECO3, improving consumer protection
We're seeking views on proposed changes to the current Energy Company Obligation (ECO3) scheme. This includes: Incorporating the TrustMark Government Endorsed Quality scheme into ECO3, as a route to demonstrating compliance with the most up to date relevant PAS standards and to ensure a sufficient consumer protection process and guarantees are in place Technical changes to the way First Time Central Heating is treated under the scheme. Energy suppliers, energy efficiency... MoreOpened 9 July 2019 -
The Statutory Review of the Groceries Code Adjudicator, 2016 to 2019
The Groceries Code Adjudicator works with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and is the independent regulator ensuring that regulated retailers treat their direct suppliers lawfully and fairly. The GCA is responsible for monitoring and encouraging compliance with and enforcing the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (the Code). The Statutory Review of the GCA (required under the Groceries Code Adjudicator Act 2013 ) is to gain evidence on how the GCA has... MoreOpened 20 June 2019 -
Smart Data: Putting consumers in control of their data and enabling innovation
This consultation seeks views on proposals to: enable data driven innovation in consumer markets use data and technology to help vulnerable consumers ensure consumers and their data are protected MoreOpened 11 June 2019 -
Corporate transparency and register reform
We're consulting on new proposals to enhance the role of Companies House, increase the transparency of UK corporate entities and help combat economic crime. The consultation seeks views on a series of reforms to limit the risk of misuse: knowing who is setting up, managing and controlling companies improving the accuracy and usability of data on the companies register protecting personal information on the register ... MoreOpened 5 May 2019 -
The future of UK carbon pricing
This consultation sets out the UK Government’s and the Devolved Administrations' approach to UK carbon pricing once we have left the European Union and seeks stakeholders’ views on the design of a future scheme. This consultation will be of particular interest to individual companies and representatives of industrial, power and aviation sectors with obligations under the EU ETS and environmental groups. This consultation is not limited to these stakeholders; any organisation or... MoreOpened 2 May 2019 -
Future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation: call for evidence
Professor Sir Adrian Smith has been commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding schemes for international collaboration, innovation and curiosity-driven blue-skies research. We welcome written contributions on a wide of issues relating to potential funding schemes. Please keep your submissions to less than 2500 words if possible. The advice team will also hold evidence gathering meetings across the UK. See the Terms of Reference for... MoreOpened 12 April 2019 -
Designing the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund
The Government is seeking views on how we design the Fund to maximise its benefits, while ensuring value for money. Previous stakeholder engagement, such as last year’s call for evidence on business and industrial energy efficiency and the ongoing 2050 Roadmaps Project, has improved our understanding of the potential for energy efficiency in industry and the barriers to take up. This consultation is focused on helping us to better understand these issues for industrial... MoreOpened 25 March 2019 -
Strengthening the UK’s offshore oil and gas decommissioning industry
The United Kingdom’s Continental Shelf is one of the world’s more mature petroleum provinces and, despite new developments continuing to come on stream, many assets are inevitably reaching the end of their field lives and will require decommissioning. Responses to this call for evidence will allow the government, industry and the Oil and Gas Authority to assess the relative strengths of the UK decommissioning industry and provide a strategic and coordinated approach to this phase of... MoreOpened 13 March 2019 -
Energy Efficiency Scheme for Small & Medium Sized Businesses
This call for evidence seeks views on various proposals for a new Business Energy Efficiency Scheme focused on SMEs Improving energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective mechanisms for businesses to reduce their energy use and associated bills while reducing their carbon emissions. While high energy bills can be a burden on smaller businesses, a lack of information and the upfront capital costs of installing energy efficiency measures can deter investment. At budget... MoreOpened 13 March 2019 -
Independent Review of the Financial Reporting Council - Initial consultation on the recommendations
We are seeking views on the recommendations made by the Independent Review of the Financial Reporting Council. This consultation seeks views on the recommendations made by the Independent Review of the Financial Reporting Council to create a new regulator responsible for audit, corporate reporting and corporate governance. The Government would welcome views of users of accounts, investors, asset owners, others who rely on audited accounts, business stakeholders,... MoreOpened 11 March 2019 -
Consumer Contract Regulations 2013 review: call for evidence
The Government will be publishing a report reviewing the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 later this year. This Call for Evidence is designed to gather information that will inform the review and provide additional insight on how the legislation is working in practice. The regulations implement most of the provisions of the EU Consumer Rights Directive. Much of the directive is subject to EU maximum harmonisation rule which... MoreOpened 7 March 2019 -
Confidentiality clauses: consultation on measures to prevent misuse in situations of workplace harassment or discrimination
Confidentiality clauses, also known as non-disclosure agreements or NDAs , are provisions which seek to prohibit the disclosure of information. They serve a useful and legitimate purpose in the employment context, as part of both employment contracts and settlement agreements. However, a number of cases have come to light where employers have used confidentiality clauses to prevent victims of workplace harassment or discrimination from speaking out. The purpose of this consultation is:... MoreOpened 4 March 2019 -
Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination: Extending redundancy protection for women and new parents
We're seeking views on extending redundancy protection for pregnant women and mothers. The consultation also sets out more widely what the department is doing to tackle pregnancy and maternity discrimination, and explain the current law on redundancy protection. This is a commitment in the government’s response to the Taylor Review , and had previously been raised by the Women and Equalities Select Committee ( WESC ). The consultation recommends that we extend the current... MoreOpened 25 January 2019 -
Proposals regarding the planning system for electricity storage
The Progress Update to the Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan , published in October 2018, stated that we would consult on the treatment of electricity storage within the planning system. This consultation considers and seeks views on the following proposals: To retain the 50MW Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) threshold that applies to standalone storage projects; and To amend the Planning Act 2008 to establish a... MoreOpened 14 January 2019 -
The future of small-scale low carbon generation: a consultation on a Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)
To support the transition to a cleaner, smarter and more flexible energy system our intention in this document The future for small-scale low-carbon generation is to consider future arrangements that would facilitate: a route to market which supports small-scale low carbon generation of electricity market innovation - government has identified innovation as a central tenet of its Industrial Strategy lowering of costs for consumers - by supporting the development of the... MoreOpened 8 January 2019 -
Salaried workers and salary sacrifice schemes
The Government is committed to ensuring that all workers are paid at least the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. The Government is also committed to supporting employers to comply with National Minimum Wage legislation, so that they get it right first time without the need for enforcement action. This consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the National Minimum Wage Regulations which relate specifically to salaried hours work and where employers feel... MoreOpened 17 December 2018 -
Heat Networks: Ensuring Sustained Investment and Protecting Consumers
The Heat Networks: Ensuring sustained investment and protecting consumers publication sets out the government’s priorities for developing an effective long-term market framework to drive sustained investment in heat networks and to ensure consumers are adequately protected as the sector expands. We are keen to hear stakeholders' views as we develop the heat networks market framework and have therefore included a number of questions in the publication and this online version. The... MoreOpened 7 December 2018 -
Offshore Environmental Civil Sanctions Regulations 2018: Draft Guidance Document
OPRED is seeking views via this consultation on the proposed Guidance Document to accompany The Offshore Environmental Civil Sanctions Regulations 2018 (the 2018 Regulations) which will enable OPRED to impose civil sanctions on offshore oil and gas companies who are found to be in breach of some existing environmental regulations. MoreOpened 20 November 2018 -
Renewable Heat Incentive: biomass combustion in urban areas
Defra’s Clean Air Strategy, published in May 2018, proposed that further support under the Renewable Heat Incentive should not be available for biomass installations in urban areas with access to the gas grid. This consultation sets out details of the proposed restrictions and asks for views on the scope and nature of these changes to RHI eligibility. Clean Air Strategy consultation MoreOpened 16 October 2018 -
Ethnicity pay reporting
This consultation seeks views on ethnicity pay reporting by employers. It sets out options and asks questions on: what ethnicity pay information should be reported by employers to allow for meaningful action who should be expected to report next steps The objective of the consultation is to enable government and employers to move forward in a consistent and transparent way. Consultation responses will inform future government policy on ethnicity pay reporting. MoreOpened 11 October 2018 -
Creating a Responsible Payment Culture: A Call for Evidence in Tackling Late Payment
The Government is building an environment in which small and medium-sized businesses can continue to prosper, tackling the continuing issue of late payments is vital for this to happen. Businesses with good credit and cash flow management build a positive relationship with their creditors and free up cash to invest in growth and innovation. We are also interested in business views on the length of payment terms. In recent years the Government has taken steps to tackle the... MoreOpened 4 October 2018 -
Energy Performance Certificates for buildings: call for evidence
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are a widely used measure of the energy performance of buildings, both in the residential and commercial sectors, and are a key tool in promoting energy efficiency improvements to buildings. We’re seeking evidence on how EPCs are currently performing against 3 attributes: quality availability encouraging action to improve energy efficiency We also outline suggestions for improvement, many... MoreOpened 26 July 2018 -
National Security and Investment: White Paper Consultation
The National Security and Investment White Paper sets out the Government’s proposed reforms for creating clear and focused powers within a predictable and transparent process and we want to hear your views. MoreOpened 24 July 2018 -
Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill
The draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill sets out provisions to establish a new beneficial ownership register of overseas entities that own UK property. This follows the commitment made at the Anti-Corruption Summit in 2016 to establish such a register, in order to combat money laundering and achieve greater transparency in the UK property market. An overview document accompanies the Bill, which explains how the register will work and invites comments on some technical aspects of... MoreOpened 23 July 2018
432 results.
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