431 results
Designing a framework for transparency of carbon content in energy products: a call for evidence
Achieving net zero emissions will require many of us to take actions to decarbonise our lifestyles and it is crucial that consumers are given transparent information on the carbon content of tariffs to help guide their energy choices. This call for evidence is our first step to better understand the challenges in this area and seek views on options for how we might develop a more transparent framework for carbon content in energy products to be communicated to consumers. Your... MoreOpened 16 August 2021 -
Consultation on addressing supplier payment default under the Renewables Obligation
The Renewables Obligation (RO) scheme in England and Wales supports the generation of renewable electricity. It operates as a market-based mechanism through a system of tradable green certificates called Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs). ROCs are issued to generators free of charge by the scheme administrator, Ofgem, in relation to the amount of renewable electricity they generate. Generators sell the ROCs to suppliers or traders, which gives generators a premium in... MoreOpened 10 August 2021 -
Competition in Onshore Electricity Networks
The electricity system will need fundamental change as we move towards Net Zero. Greater use of new, flexible technologies in generation and demand will create challenges for the electricity network from a governance and technical point of view, and the network will need to grow and adapt in new ways. Electricity network companies are fundamentally responsible for building, owning and operating electricity network infrastructure, ensuring it is ready to meet the demands placed... MoreOpened 3 August 2021 -
CCUS: Decommissioning Regime for Transport & Storage
The government expects Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) to play an essential role in meeting our net zero target. The deployment of CCUS will also be central to supporting the low carbon transformation of the UK’s industrial base. To deliver this, the government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, published in November 2020, included a commitment to deploy CCUS in two industrial clusters by the mid-2020s, and a further two clusters by 2030 with an ambition to... MoreOpened 2 August 2021 -
CCUS: Economic Regulator for CO2 Transport & Storage
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on proposed duties, powers, functions and objectives of an economic regulator for carbon dioxide (CO ₂ ) transport and storage networks, to inform the continued development of carbon capture, usage and storage policy and legislative proposals. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . MoreOpened 2 August 2021 -
UK Emissions Trading Scheme: proposed amendments
We are consulting on proposed amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Order 2020. These additional provisions will support effective operation of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) by addressing a number of residual technical issues identified during the development and legislation of the scheme. MoreOpened 28 July 2021 -
Energy retail: opt-in and testing opt-out switching
In the December 2020 Energy White Paper, the Government announced its enduring plans to address the factors that have caused excessive charging for default tariff consumers in the domestic energy retail. We are: Creating the framework to introduce an opt-in switching scheme, where households on the most expensive tariffs are offered a simple method of switching to a cheaper tariff. Testing opt-out switching, where, unless they choose not to be, consumers who... MoreOpened 23 July 2021 -
Reforming the framework for better regulation
Our exit from the EU provides us with the opportunity to think boldly about how we regulate and for the first time in a generation, we have the freedom to conceive and implement rules that put the UK first. We will use this freedom to unlock cutting-edge technologies, unleash innovation, and propel start-up growth, levelling up every corner of the UK. This will be a crucial part of boosting our productivity and helping us bring the benefits of growth to the whole of our country. In... MoreOpened 22 July 2021 -
Carbon capture, usage and storage: amendments to Contracts for Difference regulations
In November 2020, the government published the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, with commitments focused on driving innovation, boosting export opportunities, and generating green jobs and growth across the country to level up regions of the UK. Included in the Ten Point Plan was a commitment to deploy Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) in two industrial clusters by the mid-2020s, and a further two clusters by 2030 with an ambition to capture 10 MtCO₂ per year by... MoreOpened 21 July 2021 -
The Role of Vehicle-to-X Energy Technologies In A Net Zero Energy System
In 2019, the UK became the first major economy to commit to a legally binding target of net zero emissions by 2050. Transport contributes 28% of UK domestic greenhouse gas emissions [1] and addressing this sector is a critical element of the plan to reaching net zero. The Government’s approach, as laid out in the 2018 Road to Zero Strategy, centres on the decarbonisation of the transport sector and this was accelerated in the Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution with... MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Energy Company Obligation ECO4: 2022 -2026
This consultation sets out our proposed changes to the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme for the next scheme (ECO4), due to begin in April 2022. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Design and Delivery of the Energy Code Reform
Many of the detailed rules that facilitate the gas and electricity systems are set out in codes. Although these codes have done a remarkable job guiding the industry post-privatisation, many of them were designed to deal with a more predictable energy system and have seen only incremental changes over time. This has resulted in a code governance framework that is complex, fragmented and lacks incentives to innovate, despite our urgent need for a more unified, flexible, and dynamic approach.... MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Future System Operator
We're seeking views on our proposal for all the current National Grid Electricity System Operator ( ESO ) roles and functions to be carried out by the FSO , and that the FSO should undertake strategic network planning, long-term forecasting, and market strategy functions in gas. We also consider: the new roles and functions an independent FSO could potentially fulfil in gas and electricity, including in network planning and independent advice the options for organisational... MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Facilitating the deployment of large-scale, long-duration electricity storage: a call for evidence
Large-scale and long-duration electricity storage could provide a n important role in decarbonising our energy system , f or example by storing renewable power and discharging it over periods of low wind. However, there is evidence that it faces market challenges that mean it may struggle to deploy at scale. This call for evidence seeks to gather information to help us understand in more detail the barriers within the current market, how these might be addressed, and... MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Reforming Competition and Consumer Policy
Competition and consumer policies are key to creating free, open, and competitive markets with high consumer standards that drive growth, innovation, and productivity. A robust regulatory framework which supports healthy competition is crucial to the effective functioning of the economy and supporting both businesses and consumers. The consultation covers proposals under 3 themes on which we’re seeking views: promoting competition to drive enterprise, innovation, growth, and... MoreOpened 20 July 2021 -
Strengthening the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)
This consultation is seeking views on proposed measures to strengthen the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) to improve the uptake of energy efficiency measures, and increase the benefits for participating businesses. This consultation follows on from the 2020 Post-Implementation Review of the scheme and welcomes views on the following options to improve the scheme: Improving the quality of audits through increased standardisation of reporting requirements... MoreOpened 6 July 2021 -
Warm Home Discount: better targeted support from 2022
The Warm Home Discount has been a key policy in the Government’s approach to tackling fuel poverty since its inception in 2011. Since it began, the Warm Home Discount has provided over £3 billion in rebates on energy bills to low-income and vulnerable households. The Government committed in the Energy White Paper last year to extending the Warm Home Discount until 2025/26 at least, expanding the spending envelope from around £350 million to £475 million annually (in 2020... MoreOpened 28 June 2021 -
Civil Nuclear Constabulary: Service Expansion and Diversification
This consultation seeks views on proposed legislation to amend the remit and powers of the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, the specialist armed police force charged with protecting civil nuclear sites and nuclear materials in England, Scotland and Wales. This will ensure that, should a need arise in the future, the Constabulary can utilise their expertise in deterrence and armed response to support other critical infrastructure sites, as well as assist other police forces in an emergency. MoreOpened 24 June 2021 -
UK Internal Market - Office for the Internal Market: Penalties
The UK Government is seeking views on the maximum penalties the Office for the Internal Market (OIM) can impose for non-compliance with a request for information, under the UK Internal Market Act 2020. Please read the consultation document found on GOV.UK before responding to the questions. MoreOpened 16 June 2021 -
Review of the schemes to compensate energy intensive industries for indirect emission costs in electricity prices
This consultation seeks views and evidence on the risk of carbon leakage due to the indirect emission cost from the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) and the Carbon Price Support Mechanism (CPS) as well as feedback on sector eligibility and scheme design. Read the consultation document on GOV.UK . MoreOpened 14 June 2021 -
Smart Data Working Group: Spring 2021 report - invitation for further feedback
Smart Data is the secure sharing of customer data with authorised third-party providers (TPPs) upon the customer’s request. These providers then use this data to provide innovative services for the consumer or business user, such as automatic switching or better account management. Current governance arrangements enable Smart Data initiatives to develop independently of one another, with BEIS responsible for Smart Data policy coordination. We propose three different options... MoreOpened 14 June 2021 -
Call for Evidence on The Future of Connected and Automated Mobility in the UK
Ministerial foreword by Lord Grimstone of Boscobel Technology will drive radical changes within the transport sector over the next 10 years and beyond. We have the opportunity to shape these changes to have a profound positive impact for the environment, transport users and businesses. Within these changes, connected and automated mobility (CAM) is set to be a key disrupter of global transport over the coming two decades, enabling greener, safer, easier, and more... MoreOpened 8 June 2021 -
The Role of Biomass in Achieving Net Zero - Call for Evidence
We are seeking evidence from a range of stakeholders on how sustainable biomass should be sourced and used to best support the UK's Net Zero target. The information gathered will be used to support the development of the upcoming Biomass Strategy. MoreOpened 20 April 2021 -
Consultation on mandatory climate-related financial disclosures by publicly quoted companies, large private companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
A consultation seeking views on proposals to require mandatory TCFD aligned climate-related financial disclosures from publicly quoted companies, large private companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). . MoreOpened 24 March 2021 -
Audit and corporate governance review
Reliable corporate reporting is vital to well-functioning financial markets, business investment and growth. It enables all interested stakeholders to make an informed assessment of a company’s performance and governance. It helps safeguard investors, creditors, employees, customers, suppliers and the wider public from corporate mismanagement. High quality reporting by directors allied with robust and challenging external audit should give confidence to all those with an interest in a... MoreOpened 18 March 2021 -
Non-domestic Private Rented Sector minimum energy efficiency standards EPC B: future trajectory implementation
We are seeking views on Government’s proposed framework to improve implementation and enforcement of the EPC B target by 2030 for privately rented non-domestic buildings. MoreOpened 17 March 2021 -
Introducing a Performance-Based Policy Framework in large Commercial and Industrial Buildings
We're seeking views on the government’s proposals to introduce a national performance-based policy framework for rating the energy and carbon performance of large commercial and industrial buildings. MoreOpened 17 March 2021 -
Call for Evidence: Post-implementation review of the Competition Appeal Tribunal Rules 2015
The CAT is a specialist appeal body with expertise in competition and regulatory decisions. It hears appeals against competition decisions (under the Competition Act 1998 (the CA98)), applications for review of merger and market decisions (under the Enterprise Act 2002 (the EA02)) and of regulatory decisions across regulated sectors (including, for example, under the Communications Act 2003 (the Comms Act 2002)). The CAT was created in its present form by Section 12 and Schedule 2 to... MoreOpened 16 March 2021 -
Standard Assessment Procedure 10.2 – updates for heat networks
Proposals to natural-gas CHP, the Products Characteristics Database, Biomass and recovered heat factors The Government is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Meeting this legal commitment will require virtually all heat in buildings to be decarbonised, and heat in industry to be reduced to close to zero carbon emissions. Presently, heat is responsible for a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions [1] . Heat networks are a crucial... MoreOpened 15 March 2021 -
UK Product Safety Review: call for evidence
We have extended the closing date from 3 June to 17 June 2021 to allow more time to respond in the light of COVID-19 and the run-up to the local elections. The government is committed to ensuring that only safe products can be legally placed on the market now and in the future. But the world in which we operate is changing and it is important that the framework that protects consumers from unsafe products is reviewed and updated where necessary, to deal with new and novel products... MoreOpened 11 March 2021
431 results.
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