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432 results

  • Consultation on a Green Gas Levy

    Heating of homes, businesses and industry is responsible for a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, making the decarbonisation of heat one of the biggest challenges we face in meeting our climate targets. The Green Gas Levy, announced in the March 2020 Budget, will fund support for biomethane injection into the gas grid through the new Green Gas Support Scheme. Proposals for this scheme were set out in the April 2020 consultation Future Support for Low... More
    Opened 21 September 2020
  • Call for Evidence on the UK's International Regulatory Cooperation Strategy

    The Better Regulation Executive in December 2018 invited the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to conduct a review into the UK’s international regulatory cooperation practices. The OECD report published in May 2020 recommended that the government take action to ensure more systematic consideration of international regulatory cooperation across government and regulatory bodies. International regulatory cooperation, which involves systematically... More
    Opened 2 September 2020
  • The Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Regulation of Professions: Call for Evidence

    This Call for Evidence seeks insights on the UK’s approach to the recognition of professional qualifications and the regulation of professions. We want to hear from the broad range of individuals, businesses and organisations that interact with all aspects of regulated professions. We would like to hear from you in particular if you are: a student studying for a professional qualification at a university, in further education or on an apprenticeship; ... More
    Opened 25 August 2020
  • Amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment regime for offshore oil and gas projects

    This consultation seeks views on draft Regulations to amend the offshore oil and gas Environmental Impact Assessment regime to make the processes for challenging decisions clearer and enhance other aspects . More
    Opened 24 July 2020
  • Offshore Chemical Regulations and Oil Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations: Proposed Covid-19 related amendments exempting documents to be made publicly available for inspection

    Proposed changes to the Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 and the Offshore Petroleum Activities (Oil Pollution Prevention and Control) Regulations 2005 to exempt relevant documents from being made publicly available for inspection due to restriction on movement and social distancing put in place to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. More
    Opened 23 July 2020
  • UK internal market: policy option proposals

    The UK internal market white paper sets out policy options to enshrine in law 2 principles: the principle of mutual recognition the principle of non-discrimination We would like views on these options from businesses, academics, consumer groups and trade unions, but the consultation is open to anyone who has an interest. More
    Opened 16 July 2020
  • R&D Survey

    The Government's ambitious UK Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap aims to ensure the UK is the best place in the world for scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs to live and work. This will help to power up our economic recovery and level up the UK. The roadmap is the start of a big conversation on what actions need to be taken and how. Over the coming months we will develop the proposals in our roadmap in a comprehensive R&D plan. This plan will only be... More
    Opened 1 July 2020
  • Energy-related Products: Call for Evidence

    Energy-related products are goods such as washing machines, lighting and televisions, which use energy or affect energy consumption when in use or in standby mode. This call for evidence explores how effective policies for energy-related products in homes and businesses can support the UK’s transition to net zero by 2050. In particular, we are seeking evidence on: how to improve the efficacy of ecodesign and energy labelling policy in the UK to realise greater energy and... More
    Opened 12 June 2020
  • Combined heat and power: the route to 2050 - call for evidence

    Clean Growth is one of the four grand challenges of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy and energy efficiency and decarbonising heat are vital parts of the ambition. In June 2019, the UK committed in legislation to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. Combined heat and power (CHP) is an efficient process that captures and utilises the heat that is produced in power generation, this is usually electrical but can in some instances be mechanical. By... More
    Opened 12 June 2020
  • Energy Technology List Scheme

    This is a 2 part consultation on the Energy Technology List Scheme. Part 1 – The future direction of the Energy Technology List Scheme This part sets out the future policy direction for the ETL Part 2 – proposed technical changes for the 2020 update of the Energy Technology Criteria List (ETCL) This section is highly technical and relates to product standards. You don't have to respond to both parts of the consultation. If you do want to respond to both... More
    Opened 12 June 2020
  • Contracts for Difference: proposed changes to the Electricity Supplier Obligation Regulations in response to COVID-19

    This consultation seeks views on the proposal to defer part of the amount of the increase in electricty suppliers' obligations that would otherwise be collected by LCCC for the current (the second) quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of 2021. Implementation of the proposal would require a change to the Contracts for Difference (Electricity Supplier Obligation) Regulations 2014, which would be subject to Parliamentary approval. More
    Opened 12 May 2020
  • Future Support for Low Carbon Heat

    Heating of homes, businesses and industry is responsible for a third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, making the decarbonisation of heat one of the biggest challenges we face in meeting our climate targets. In this consultation, we are seeking views on policy options for future support of low carbon heat, beyond the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). 29 May 2020: Green Gas: Ensuring value for money section We have provided further information on 2 proposals: ... More
    Opened 28 April 2020
  • Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive - Ensuring a sustainable scheme

    A consultation on the closure of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (NDRHI) scheme to new applicants. Proposed reforms on future-proofing the scheme for the remainder of the NDRHI payment period. More
    Opened 28 April 2020
  • Climate Change Agreements: proposal for scheme extension and views on reforms for any future scheme

    In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to legislate to end its contribution to global warming by 2050, increasing the ambition of our commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Climate Change Act. Decisive action will need to be taken by all sectors to achieve the transition to a net zero world, and the Government is prepared to support the economy through this in what will be a defining period of action for our country, and indeed for our planet, on... More
    Opened 16 April 2020
  • Future of Transport Regulatory Review: Call for Evidence

    We are analysing your feedback. Visit this page on GOV.UK soon to download the outcome to this public consultation. More
    Opened 16 March 2020
  • Carer's Leave

    This consultation seeks views on a proposal to give employees a week of unpaid leave each year to provide care. Responses to this consultation will help us understand: How carers use existing employment rights; Who should be eligible to take the leave; What the leave can be taken for; How the leave would be available to take and the process for taking the leave; The costs and benefits to employers and employees. In light of COVID-19, we are... More
    Opened 16 March 2020
  • Reforming Regulation Initiative

    Good regulation is essential to successful business. The Government strives to achieve the right regulatory balance between supporting excellent business practice and protecting workers, consumers and the environment. The Reforming Regulation Initiative is an invitation to businesses and the public to help Government ensure that regulation is sensible and proportionate. We’re particularly interested in the needs of small businesses. Please let us know how we... More
    Opened 11 March 2020
  • CfD: Proposed amendments to the scheme 2020

    This consultation seeks views on a number of proposed changes to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme to ensure it continues to support low carbon electricity generation at the lowest possible cost to consumers. CfDs incentivise investment in renewable energy by providing developers of projects with high upfront costs and long lifetimes with direct protection from volatile wholesale prices, and they protect consumers from paying increased support costs when electricity prices are high.... More
    Opened 2 March 2020
  • Heat networks: building a market framework

    Extension to consultation end date In the light of COVID-19, we are extending the consultation period to give people more time to respond. The Government is committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Meeting this legal commitment will require virtually all heat in buildings to be decarbonised, and heat in industry to be reduced to close to zero carbon emissions. Heat networks are a crucial aspect of the path towards decarbonising heat. In the right... More
    Opened 6 February 2020
  • Capacity Market Consultation on Future Improvements

    The Commission’s 2019 State aid decision notes that the UK government has committed to implementing a number of improvements to the design of the Capacity Market (CM) to reflect recent market and regulatory developments, including those identified through our recent 5-year-review of the effectiveness of the CM. This consultation seeks views on proposals to implement 5 of the 6 commitments referenced in the decision, as well as a review of the exclusion from the CM of plants with... More
    Opened 3 February 2020
  • Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations Proposed Amendments

    We have extended the consultation period to 24 January 2020 due to election period and to allow additional time for stakeholder review of technical components. The consultation contains proposals to amend the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations to ensure consistency with requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive and extend provisions of the Regulations to all installed heat meters for consumers on heat networks. It includes proposals on amendments of the... More
    Opened 17 October 2019
  • Non-domestic private rented sector minimum energy efficiency standards

    The government has committed to support businesses to reduce their energy use by at least 20% by 2030. This consultation seeks views on how best to improve the energy performance of non-domestic private rented buildings through tighter minimum energy standards. Acting now to set a clear long-term trajectory to 2030 is designed to provide time and certainty to non-domestic landlords, businesses and the energy efficiency market in delivering the energy savings to support a zero-carbon... More
    Opened 15 October 2019
  • Industrial Energy Transformation Fund: Supporting industry on the path to Net Zero

    We are seeking views on various design proposals for the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund including: Who can apply for funding; What technologies should be supported; Whether funding should be made available for feasibility studies, FEED studies and capacity building; What type of funding support should be offered; How the Fund should be delivered; and, How evaluation and monitoring of the Fund should be carried out. This survey is part of our wider... More
    Opened 10 October 2019
  • Civil Nuclear Brexit Readiness Survey

    The Government has continued to prepare for the United Kingdom’s departure from the EU and Euratom. BEIS is conducting a short survey to better understand how the civil nuclear sector is preparing for this. This is also a chance to feed back any comments that you may have on the guidance and information provided to the sector by the Government thus far. This survey will also help BEIS to identify where further support or information could be provided to stakeholders. This... More
    Opened 17 September 2019
  • Ecodesign requirements for external power supplies: draft regulations

    This consultation seeks view on the draft Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products (External Power Supplies) Regulations 2020. The draft regulations propose to introduce UK ecodesign requirements for external power supplies which are in line with those the UK supported at EU level in January 2019. This consultation will be of particular interest to: * external power supply manufacturers and importers * trade bodies * consumer groups * environmental organisations * those with an... More
    Opened 3 September 2019
  • Creating a Clean Steel Fund: call for evidence

    We’re seeking views on the £250 million Clean Steel Fund, which will support the UK steel sector to move to a decarbonisation pathway compatible with net zero. More
    Opened 29 August 2019
  • Carbon capture, usage and storage: business models

    This consultation seeks views on our emerging findings on potential business models for carbon capture, usage and storage ( CCUS ). It covers: options on CCUS business models for industry, power, and carbon dioxide transport and storage a framework for future evaluation of models to support hydrogen production with CCUS the CCUS -specific risks inherent in first of a kind CCUS projects the possible delivery and coordination challenges of deploying CCUS at scale... More
    Opened 22 July 2019
  • Carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) projects: re-use of oil and gas assets

    A consultation on the re use of oil and gas assets for Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) projects. In the CCUS Deployment Pathway: An Action Plan we committed to complete a process to identify existing oil and gas infrastructure that has the potential for re-use to support the development of CCUS in the UK and develop a policy on this. We’re seeking views on this infrastructure and on associated policy proposals to: introduce a discretionary... More
    Opened 22 July 2019
  • Standards for bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable plastics: call for evidence

    We're seeking evidence to help us develop standards or certification critera for bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable plastics, and an understanding of their environmental impacts. This will also include littering and issues affecting recycling and disposal routes. We want to identify gaps and provide expert advice on: The overall sustainability of bio-based and biodegradable plastic products, particularly when in comparison with those made from... More
    Opened 22 July 2019
  • Fuel poverty strategy for England

    Fuel poverty is defined in the Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2000 as: a person [who] is a member of a household living on a lower income in a home which cannot be kept warm at reasonable cost. In 2014, the government introduced in legislation a fuel poverty target for England to improve as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to a minimum energy efficiency rating of Band C, by the end of 2030. We are looking to update the fuel poverty strategy for... More
    Opened 22 July 2019
432 results. Page 8 of 15